Clean Show CDF Systems

This is the Main Event for Laundering, Dry Cleaning and Textile Care Services Industries and CDF Systems will be there! This year’s show will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans from June 20 through to the 23rd.
We are featuring our new CDF 18-6 Flat Mat Washer. Come visit us at booth #4657.
Floor plan CDF 4657
As in the past, we will be Live on Facebook each day of the Clean Show. Like our page and join us for newsy news and updates from Booth #4657.
How much money can a CDF Flat Mat Washer save you?
To better understand the benefit and reduction of production costs, we’ve included a Mat Math Calculator for Mats, Labor and Water Cost Reduction Analysis. You can download our calculator here, fill in the blue squares on the ‘Input’ tab at the bottom. Then check out the Cost Reduction on the Mat, Labor and Water tabs with a Summary at the end.
Can’t make it to the show? No problem! You can still download the form, fill it in and call us to talk details.
US / CAN 1-800-986-6702
INTL 1-763-390-4099